Astrophotography at Countryside Lake

  Moon over Countryside Lake, 7/12/2022

Solarography over Countryside Lake 2022

Made a pinhole camera and did a 6 month exposure between summer and winter solstices, in order to track the sun's position across the sky for each day, as it shifts elevation across the seasons. Dark bands would be cloudy days where the sun didn't show much. Glitches in the lines would be sporadic clouds blocking the sun. Different color lines would be different forms of cloud cover.

Solarography over Countryside Lake 2021

Made a pinhole camera and did a 6 month exposure between summer and winter solstices, in order to track the sun's position across the sky for each day, as it shifts elevation across the seasons. Dark bands would be cloudy days where the sun didn't show much. Glitches in the lines would be sporadic clouds blocking the sun. Different color lines would be different forms of cloud cover. (for context, that birdhouse is a purple martin house and is 15ft up, and maybe 15ft out in front of the camera) 

   Moon over Countryside Lake, 3/28/2021

Super Blood Wolf Moon of 2019

January 20, extremely cold outside, photographed from Countryside Lake

   Moon over Countryside Lake, 9/28/2012

Spring moon over Countryside Lake (at dusk, 4/5/2012)

a flock of geese

"Harvest Moon" Over Countryside Lake (at dusk, 9/12/2011)

So called because it occurs on the eve of the northern autumnal equinox. 

Before electric lights, farmers working after sunset relied on the light of the 

Harvest moon to help them gather ripening autumn crops.