CLA Science


Welcome to the Countryside Lake (CLA) technical companion; exploring the local lake and community related science, engineering, and data relevant to our community.


This site started with two main components of long-standing existence in the community:

  1. the weather station (up since 2002, online and reporting since 2006), which I continue to run

  2. the water sampling activities that went on for over a decade, where we sampled all of the major inlets to Countryside Lake between 2002 and 2016, with peak interest during the Toll Brothers development around 2009

It grew from there to also include water quality reporting (lake and drinking water), local astronomy, wildlife/plant documentation, earthquake monitoring (I have a seismograph in my basement), and much of the lake science that emerged from various dredging studies.

Theme: local meaningful and relevant technical content, live content preferred if available

(it is not seeking to teach, so much, as to present available meaningful data)

You can help

Do you have anything to contribute? Things such as:

  • ideas

  • content (links, photos, explanations, etc.)

  • your time (I can add a few select editors)

Contact Me

or look me up in the phone book, or in the Countryside Lake Association Facebook group